Dramfest Is On!

1 February 2012By Yvonne

Dramfest ‘12 brings wealth of whisky to Christchurch and if you’ve got tickets from last year’s event which was scuppered by the earthquake fret not – they’re still valid! This popular biennial event, organised by Michael Fraser Milne of Christchurch whisky specialist store, Whisky Galore, takes place in Christchurch from 24-26 February 2012. The expo … Read More

Classy new Glass

26 January 2012By Yvonne

If you lamented the loss of the old style of champagne saucer, or ‘coupe’ then you’ll be pleased to know that its usurper, the ‘flute’, may also soon be turfed into untrendy territory. For umpteen years the coupe was rumoured to have been modelled on the breasts of a well known female French aristocrat and … Read More

Ash Ridge gets busy…

7 January 2012By Yvonne

It is exactly one year since Ash Ridge Wines opened their tiny, tin shed cellar door on State Highway 50, ten minutes drive southeast of Hastings.  Offering a handful of wines, coffee, tea and good old gap-fillers like antipasto, cheese platters and lasagne, they’re perfectly poised to snare parched and peckish people speeding north from … Read More

Shiraz with a bit of Sparkle…

4 January 2012By Yvonne

If there’s one thing surer than death and taxes, it’s that by now you’re probably wondering what on earth to do with all that excess Christmas chocolate, the boxes of crystallised ginger that grandad keeps forgetting to take home with him, all the uneaten Round Wine’s or Krispie’s left in the Griffins Sampler tin and … Read More