If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, when quizzed on their thoughts about a wine, “I dunno, I’m useless at wine tasting, it’s kind of just winey”, then I’d probably have enough for a night on the town. Now I’m the first to admit that I tend to go overboard … Read More
Nevis Bluff Merrils Block Central Otago Pinot Blanc 2015 $35
Nevis Bluff Merrils Block Central Otago Pinot Blanc 2015 $35 4stars I bet if I’d popped round to your place before now, there is no way you’d have any pinot blanc stashed away. It’s one of those rarely grown grapes that I harbour a lot of love for, so when I come across one, especially … Read More
NZME Regional Newspapers Column Saturday March 18 2017
Despite the semi-glamourous image that the wine industry has around its edges, winemakers are essentially farmers. They can only harvest their crop once a year, during a tiny window of optimum fruit ripeness (between March and May) in order to extract the best possible quality juice with which to make the best quality wine they … Read More
Bisquertt Riserva Petirrojo Carménère
Bisquertt Riserva Petirrojo Carménère 2014 $18 Chilean’s had no idea why much of their merlot tasted so different to the rest until a canny Ampelographer (google it) came along and said “that’s because it’s carménère”. Previously one of the 6 varieties permitted in red Bordeaux, this Colchagua-grown example oozes black berryfruit, tobacco-box oak, dried herb … Read More
Eradus Marlborough Pinot Noir
Eradus Marlborough Pinot Noir $18 Bold, fruity aromas of black guava, black tea and layers of black forrest all burst from the glass in this tasty new favourite of mine. Lush, gently juicy, red fruits like raspberry, cherry and pomegranate tumble forth into a soft, yet zesty young pinot which boasts a gamey, savoury finish. … Read More
Neudorf Rosie’s Block Nelson Chardonnay
Neudorf Rosie’s Block Nelson Chardonnay 2015 $33 ★★★★ Five different clones were hand harvested, fermented with wild yeasts and blended to create this buttered-crumpet-smelling chardonnay, which quickly unveils a backbone of grilled nectarine and grapefruit pith alongside deliciously textural, creamy almond characters in the mid palate. It’s a juicy, cheek-puckering style that pretty much makes … Read More
Linden Estate Reserve Hawke’s Bay Syrah
Linden Estate Reserve Hawke’s Bay Syrah 2014 $48 ★★★★ This Esk Valley producer is on its way to completing a radical turnaround of fortunes, from being run into virtual non-existence, it’s been rescued and revitalised by sparkie-turned-winemaker Trevor Shepherd, who clearly has a knack for creating quality syrah. Intensely spicy and showing plum, dark berries, … Read More
Allan Scott Marlborough Riesling 2014
Allan Scott Marlborough Riesling 2014 $18 ★★★½ Aromas of green apple, carrot cake spices and musky, honeysuckle and apricot kernel characters all merge together on the palate and crash into a wave of sweetness. There’s a soft, grainy texture to the finish of this tangy example that’ll definitely appeal to those who prefer a more … Read More
Linden Estate Reserve Hawke’s Bay Syrah
Linden Estate Reserve Hawke’s Bay Syrah 2014 $48 ★★★★ This Esk Valley producer is on its way to completing a radical turnaround of fortunes, from being run into virtual non-existence, it’s been rescued and revitalised by sparkie-turned-winemaker Trevor Shepherd, who clearly has a knack for creating quality syrah. Intensely spicy and showing plum, dark berries, … Read More
Allan Scott Marlborough Riesling
Allan Scott Marlborough Riesling 2014 $18 ★★★½ Aromas of green apple, carrot cake spices and musky, honeysuckle and apricot kernel characters all merge together on the palate and crash into a wave of sweetness. There’s a soft, grainy texture to the finish of this tangy example that’ll definitely appeal to those who prefer a more … Read More