Blackenbrook Nelson Pinot Rosé 2023 $26

2023 is the 20th year that Ursula and Daniel Schwarzenbach have been growing grapes at Blackenbrook. This is crazy to me because it still feels like yesterday that they burst onto the scene with shiny new wines, a young family and buckets of ambition. This new rosé is dark pink and roaring with flavour, so if you like a quiet, subdued, shrinking violet style then turn around and drive in the opposite direction. Dry yet generously proportioned with punchy apple, melon and bursts of berries, all it really needs is a good chill, a large glass and a sunny day.

This is a dark-crimson coloured rosé that’s rich, dry, generously mineral-driven and saturated with cherry, black boy peach, and wild raspberry. Amazing length of flavour
